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Red-Crested Finch ( Coryphospingus cucullatus )

13,5 cm. The male’s top of the head is black with a scarlet topknot. The body is red, with the upper parts brownish red. The female does not have a topknot and the upper parts are brown. Distribution: From the Guyanas to Argentina. Habitat: Secondary forests, cerrado and farms. Diet: Feeds on seeds and insects. Reproduction: When breeding lives in pairs and the male protects the territory. Builds a cup-like nest with leaves, lichens and spider webs. Lays 3 to 5 bluish or white eggs. Both male and female feed the offspring. Natural history: The male’s topknot can only be seen when it is excited. When not breeding lives in groups, sometimes mixing with other species. In ...

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  • Downloads: 515
  • Visits: 21.115

Scaled Dove ( Columbina (Scardafella) squammata )

19cm. The plumage is squamous. The general coloration is brown with some grayish parts. There is a white wingbar (when closed). When flying it shows a pattern of white in the wings and tail. Distribution: From Venezuela to Argentina. Habitat: Inhabits dry fields, cerrado, caatinga and parks in urban areas. Diet: Feeds on grains and fruits on the ground. Reproduction: It is monogamous. Builds a sparse nest in the shape of a cup, 1 or 2m from the ground, sometimes on the ground. The hatchlings (generally 2) are fed on pigeon’s milk that is rich in fat, proteins and lectines. They leave the nest after 15 days. The vocalization is very characteristic and in many places it is named...

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  • Downloads: 478
  • Visits: 25.802

Saffron Finch ( Sicalis flaveola )

There are three other very similar species from the same genus in Brazil. The females and imature individuals are nearly impossible to tell apart, as they are light brown with some darker streaks. The Saffron Finch can be distinguished from the other species for the saffron color, mostly in the breeding season. The Orange-fronted Yellow Finch ( S. columbiana) is smaller than the Saffron Finch, the Stripe-tailed Yellow Finch (S. citrina) has greenish patches on the upper parts and the Grassland Yellow Finch (S. luteola) has brownish spots even in the head. One of the countryside’s most famous birds, the Saffron Finch’s song is unique for its beaty and complexity. Unfortunately its song...

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  • Category: Experiment
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  • Downloads: 172
  • Visits: 7.388

Construção e acompanhamento de terrário - Aula 1

Este projeto propõe a construção de dois tipos de terrários, um fechado com plástico e outro com tela, simulando dois ecossistemas distintos em relação à disponibilidade hídrica.

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  • Category: Experiment
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  • Downloads: 112
  • Visits: 7.141

Construção e acompanhamento de terrário - Aula 2

Este projeto propõe a construção de dois tipos de terrários, um fechado com plástico e outro com tela, simulando dois ecossistemas distintos em relação à disponibilidade hídrica.

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  • Category: Experiment
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  • Downloads: 102
  • Visits: 7.471

Construção e acompanhamento de terrário - Aula 3

Este projeto propõe a construção de dois tipos de terrários, um fechado com plástico e outro com tela, simulando dois ecossistemas distintos em relação à disponibilidade hídrica.

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  • Category: Link
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  • Downloads: 40
  • Visits: 2.132

Um Aquário Cheio de Terra? - Experimentos #13

No vídeo de hoje vamos aprender que os aquários não precisam ter necessariamente água, eles podem ser cheios de terra! Mas, espera aí, nesse caso ele não seria um... Terrário?! Este projeto é financiado por FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES, INCT/INOMAT. Processos nº 2016/05243-7 e 2014/50906-9, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Código de Financiamento 001 Se você puder, preencha este questionário para me ajudar a melhorar a série! Conheça o LTE:

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  • Category: Image
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  • Downloads: 30
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Evolução e Vida na Terra

Está é uma imagem que mostra uma relação da teoria darwiniana da Seleção Natural associada com as aquisições que os organismos da Terra primitiva obtiveram e foram selecionados positivamente, perpetuando sua geração. Isso é sintetizado com um pequeno enfoque na diversificação das espécies.

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  • Category: Image
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  • Downloads: 479
  • Visits: 21.331

Blue and White Swallow ( Pygochelidon (Notiochelidon) cyanoleuca )

12 cm. Small, the legs, beak and neck are short. The back is blue and the belly white. Male and female are similar. The immature individuals are brown in the upper parts and buffy in the inferior parts. Distribution: From Costa Rica to Southern Brazil. In the Amazon region it is only seen during seasonal migrations. Habitat: Farms, villlages, cities and open areas in general. Uses rocky places and roofs to rest. Diet: Feeds on flying insects. Reproduction: The nest is similar to the one of Progne chalibea. The white eggs (2 to 6) are incubated by the couple. Male and female share the task of feeding the brood. Natural history: The southern populations migrate northwards after br...

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  • Category: Handout or Class Script
  • Note: Nota inteiraNota inteiraNota inteiraNota inteiraNota vazia
  • Downloads: 850
  • Visits: 18.416

Teste de Chama

A coloração da chama provocada pela volatilização corresponde as transições eletrônicas de determinado elemento químico presentes na amostra em estudo (em especial na forma iônica) consiste em expor os sais a elevadas temperaturas, normalmente através do bico de Bunsen, para que os cátions que os constituem passem do estado fundamental a estados excitados, com posterior emissão de radiações de cor característica, sob a forma de uma chama colorida ocorrendo assim um exemplo de análise por via seca.

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Results 1 - 20 from 56 Found materials (New search)